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Classroom Scheduling

Curriculum schedulers interested in requesting a CCCB classroom for credit-bearing classes will need to enter NEEDCC in M-Pathways, making sure to include Room Characteristic #60 (Seating: Team Tables).

Because the classroom in the round (room 2420) has such specialized technology and a complex display screen, curriculum schedulers will need to email the Registrar’s Office directly at [email protected] to request this room for credit-bearing classes. The email message will need to include a description of how the class will use the room, if the display screens are needed to show course content. Use of this room requires significant time for instructor preparation and time to configure media for display.

Event Scheduling

Please read this page in its entirety before submitting an event request to ensure you’re aware of what we can or cannot accommodate.

Who can schedule CCCB classrooms Scheduling priorities When requests can be made Food, furniture, amplified sound Fees How to submit an event request

Who can schedule CCCB classrooms

CCCB classrooms may be reserved by U-M departments and U-M student organizations currently registered with the U-M Student Organization Accounts Service (SOAS). If your meeting or request is not sponsored by one of these groups, please explore other campus venues through the University Unions, Palmer Commons, U-M Museum of Art, Rackham Graduate School, or Conference and Event Services websites.

Scheduling priorities and considerations

Because the CCCB is an academic classroom building (rather than an event facility), requests are considered in the following order of priority:

  1. U-M credit-bearing courses
  2. Exams for U-M credit-bearing courses
  3. Curricular activities required for a U-M credit-bearing course
  4. CCCB classroom orientation and practice sessions for faculty
  5. U-M department meetings and events
  6. U-M student organization meetings and events for student organizations currently registered with the Student Organization Accounts Service (SOAS)

All meeting and event requests are reviewed with the following considerations in mind:

  • Request alignment with the scheduling priorities
  • Room availability
  • Estimated attendance relative to room size
  • Room amenity needs
  • Day(s) and time(s) of the meeting or event
  • If the meeting or event will generate sound that could potentially disrupt other CCCB activities
  • If the meeting or event requires facilities or technology support staff and if staff are available to support the activity
  • If the building will be open for other activities on the requested day/time

Note: If the event request will be the only activity scheduled in the CCCB, we may decline the request for safety, security, building management, and sustainability reasons. We would then recommend an alternative classroom in another building or recommend that the event be scheduled at a U-M event facility, like the Michigan Union, Michigan League, Palmer Commons, etc.

When event requests can be made

Once these academic activities are scheduled, we can then consider all other meeting and event requests. Meeting and event requests will be considered during the following timeframes:

Requests for the following upcoming term: Will be considered:
Fall term Starting July 1st
Winter term Starting mid-November
Spring/Summer term Starting March 1st
Fall or Winter break At any time

Food, furniture, and amplified sound

  • Food - The CCCB does not have space for receptions or dining. Only light fare (pizza, sandwiches, cookies, etc.) are permitted in CCCB classrooms.
  • Furniture - All CCCB classroom furniture and technology is fixed and cannot be moved or reconfigured. Additional furniture cannot be added to classrooms or corridors for fire safety reasons.
  • Amplified sound - Music or other loud performances will only be allowed in the CCCB if we deem that the sound or activity will not disrupt other activities in the building that are scheduled at the same time (e.g., classes, exams, study sessions, etc.). Please note, the classrooms do not have AV systems that support amplified sound or theatrical lighting. For spaces that support these types of activities, please refer to the University Unions, Conference and Event Services, University Productions, etc.


Fees may be required for off-hour events and/or room use. For more information, refer to the “Fees” section.

How to submit an event request

To submit an event request:
  1. Complete the online request form. You will need to provide the following key information to complete the form:
    • Event details (event name, description, estimated number of attendees, start/end date(s) and times.
    • Number of classrooms needed
    • Specific classrooms being requested
    • If AV equipment will be needed
    • If food will be served. Only light fare (e.g., cookies/donuts, boxed lunches, pizza, soda, coffee) may be served in CCCB classrooms. If your event requires more substantial food, please use the Michigan League, Michigan Union, Palmer Commons, or another event facility on campus.
    • If the event will be charging an entrance or registration fee
    • A U-M shortcode for any room use or other fees that may apply
    • The name and contact information of the primary point of contact who will be on-site throughout the event
  2. The event request will be reviewed by a team representing the Office of the Provost, Office of the Registrar, CCCB facilities, and LSA Technology Services to determine if the event can be accommodated. There are many factors that need to be explored and considered when reviewing each request, but we strive to give you a response in approximately 1 week.
  3. If your event request is approved, we may require an on-site meeting with you to discuss any logistical needs further.